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Saturday / February 8.
HomeAlaska IssuesParnell Administration Remarkably Inclusive of Women

Parnell Administration Remarkably Inclusive of Women

Two years ago the idea of an Alaskan Women’s Summit was bounced around by several lawmakers and women business leaders, initially envisioned and facilitated by State Senator Lesil McGuire.

As the event concept came to fruition and was organized for launch in 2013 at Alaska Pacific University, it was Governor Sean Parnell who showed exponential support along with his wife Sandy to ensure the AWS 2013 would impact the state for the good of Alaskan women. Alaska’s First Lady become a keynote speaker, co-chair and advocate for the event. The Governor and the First Lady are equally supportive of this year’s Alaska Women’s Summit in October at the University of Alaska, Anchorage.

Parnell Administration Remarkably Inclusive of Women

Actions speak louder than words in politics. Elections come and go, as do slogans and political spin. However the indelibility of true statesmanship manifests through the people a leader surrounds him or herself with, and by the policies and causes supported.

Did you ever notice from media reports or news coverage just how many females are in leadership positions in the current gubernatorial administration of Alaska? It may be a record within the list of governors who have managed our state.

Governor Sean Parnell’s cabinet includes:

Susan Bell – Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Commissioner
Becky Hultberg– (former) Department of Administration Commissioner
Dianne Blumer – Department of Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner
Cora Campbell – Department of Fish and Game Commissioner
Angela Rodell- Department of Revenue Commissioner
Cindy Sims – Deputy Chief of Staff
Karen Rehfeld – Budget Director
Heather Brakes – Legislative Director

There are many more female directors, deputy directors and supervisors at the helm of important offices, such as the DMV. Amy Erickson, who was a staff member for U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, replaced Whitney Highland Brewster after Brewster was notably chosen to run the state of Texas’ DMV offices. Two dynamic women who have contoured Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles into one of the best, if not THE best DMV in the nation, based on technology, staffing, short and efficient wait times and satellite office accessibility. Governor Parnell chose these amazing women. Give credit where it’s due.

Cathy Jorgensen is another example. She is the first female in the history of the Alaska Army National Guard to be promoted to the rank of general. As a brigadier general, Jorgensen oversees, prepares and commands the Guard’s 4,500 soldiers for deployment in Alaska and internationally. Governor Parnell saw Jorgensen’s capabilities and leadership qualities, cultivating them through promotion, and now Alaskans are the benefactors.

A professional who left the private sector to speak on behalf of the Parnell Administration is Parnell’s press secretary, award-winning radio news journalist Sharon Leighow. When it comes to public and media relations, and dealing with a governor’s head shed, working with a competent, reasonable press secretary makes all the difference in the world. Leighow meets that mark.

When asked about the Administration’s philosophy on hiring personnel to manage state bureaucracy, Leighow said “Governor Parnell hires people based on their qualifications, and that includes a wide band of knowledge, insight, and experience in policy, business, and the issues that matter to our state. He is proud to have so many qualified and capable women in his cabinet, serving in major capacities – from resource, commerce, finance and administration. Leadership encompasses hiring the very best people you can find, and bringing out the very best in them while advancing the greater good for all Alaskans.”

APE couldn’t have said it better!

Governor Sean Parnell’s strong administrative record will be recorded in history with many positive attributes. From stewarding responsible resource exploration and development to building university and public safety infrastructure statewide, he will clearly be viewed as a success. Yet – his greatest legacy may just be the support and championing he’s demonstrated towards Alaskan women.

It was Oprah Winfrey who said “I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.”

The daughters and mothers and sisters and grandmothers and aunts who live and thrive in our state can thank Governor Sean Parnell for his respect of your personal callings. And not just his “Choose Respect” campaign to end domestic violence, but for the literal respect he pays to the vibrant, wonderful women of Alaska who have never gone unnoticed by a gender-blind governor who puts faith, fairness and accountability first.

Parnell Administration Remarkably Inclusive of Women

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