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Friday / March 7.
HomeAlaska PoliticsTodd and Sarah Palin – Alaska’s Fortune

Todd and Sarah Palin – Alaska’s Fortune

By Tom Anderson

Have you ever traveled out of state or abroad into a foreign country?

I suspect on the trip at some point you were asked if you knew, met or had details about Governor Sarah Palin. Perhaps a question surfaced on your journey from a wide-eyed Alaska admirer about her husband Todd Palin and racing snow machines for thousands of miles across harsh terrain or escaping death as a bush pilot and commercial fisherman. Maybe the interest is in Bristol Palin and her advocacy on behalf of mothers and children, or something about her siblings with the cool names (e.g. Track, Willow, Piper, Trig).

Todd and Sarah Palin - Alaska’s Fortune

The Palins are Alaskan. They represent all of us in one sense or another. Their kids are bright, engaged in the community, and trying to earn a living and raise families (or attend school) just like yours and mine. The Palins give the rewards of their success back to charity and non-profits, and help more causes than I could name in this article. They exude patriotism, independence and an inherent sense of appreciation for and respect of Alaska.

When I was going through my federal case almost 10 years ago, and the days and hours and minutes were very dark for my family and me, I distinctly remember the people who overtly made an effort to be kind. The measure of a true friend is in times of adversity, not in times of plenty.

p1_1999408cen it comes to the Palins, I remember a newly elected governor and husband who were compassionate to many, including me. I ran into Todd at the dry cleaning store in Juneau one afternoon, and he was as friendly and genuine as a family member. He was the real deal and inquired about my family. “How are you and yours holding up?” he asked, man to man and with a firm hand shake . A month later, I was on a plane with my son, who was an infant, and Governor Palin was coming down the plane’s aisle. She stopped where I was sitting, looked me in the eyes and asked “How are you doing Tom? I’m thinking of you and your family. Stay strong,” and reached for little Grayson and held him tight with the affection of his own mother in front of 100+ passengers.

After her warm greeting, Governor Palin continued walking to her seat, which was in the very back by the restrooms. And she didn’t blink about where her seat was on the plane. Remember her predecessor used a private contracted jet. She was just Sarah – one of us, with us and there for us. Alaskan to the core.

Over the years it’s not just been charisma the Palins emit, but also a very real love for people. They have passion and spirit that’s palpable.

As the general election inches close in Alaska, and across the country, FOX News, Breitbart, Politico, Glenn Beck’s “The Blaze” and myriad other online and radio news mediums will solicit Governor Palin’s opinion, and perhaps husband Todd’s too. They will continue their narrative about freedom, accountability, patriotism and a system of checks-and-balances that makes the United States a better place, not a door mat for other countries and internal strife.

I personally appreciate and value Sarah and Todd’s opinions. I may not always agree, but I respect the dialogue and analysis.


Alaska is the benefactor of the Palin family being so resolute in protecting our freedoms and way of life. We are blessed to have them championing liberty and sustainability, and not with sound bites, but with policies and vision that she demonstrated as a mayor, regulator and governor.

To those pundits and bloggers and commentators who take pleasure in tearing down prominent people, like the Palins, I hope you’ll look in the mirror and consider the damage you do with your schadenfreude. Don’t be jealous of their success. Whether you agree with every view and nuance the Palins espouse or not, they are well-intended, engaged Alaskans who have made a huge, positive difference for the state and its residents.

If you really think about fame and popularity, on a global scale, the Palins fit in with the likes of Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali and Tiger Woods when it comes to notoriety and recognition. This popularity has helped, not hurt, Alaska’s image – from business investment to tourism.

Thanks to the Palins for what they’ve done for so many, and that includes Todd’s and Sarah’s parents. Alaska is the fortunate one to have such an endearing family that really cares about our prosperity.

Todd and Sarah Palin - Alaska’s Fortune

Latest comments

  • Excellent. Thank you.

  • I have ALWAYS, from earliest childhood, loved reading articles and novels about three places in particular, namely, Alaska…and Australia…and Israel. I continue as an older woman to have and avid interest in reading materials as well as movies, documentaries, and even the television reality programs with setting in Alaska. One remaining desire is to travel to Alaska…my interest to do so made even greater by my love and respect and trust in former Governor Sarah Palin, whom I claim as my “S-Hero” and whom I’ve been privileged to meet on three occasions. This one remaining travel desire remains as I have had the privilege of traveling to both Australia and Israel…and, of course, I’d like to revisit both of these places again also…after Alaska!

  • Thank you for this lovely piece. What stands out is the contrast to people who dedicate their lives to lying about Sarah’s kids. It just makes one cry. Grown adults finding joy in 1. lying 2. about offspring of a politician.

    It’s not like their opinions affect anything or rewrite glorious pasts or childhoods. Haters hate for fun. Pray for them and their lacking lives.

    Thank you Sarah for raising a lovely family with strong convictions, compassion, heart, and inside beauty.