Yesterday, it was revealed that the two prosecutors would escape punishment for their history-changing misconduct. Zoe Tillman of the National Law Journal reports:
Top U.S. Department of Justice officials violated policy in suspending two prosecutors involved in the botched case against the late Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, a federal board ruled this month in declaring the discipline invalid.
Justice Department officials in 2012 concluded that assistant U.S. attorneys Joseph Bottini and James Goeke committed professional misconduct and ordered that they be suspended without pay—Bottini for 40 days and Goeke for 15. The prosecutors, accused of withholding information from Stevens’ defense lawyers, challenged the suspensions.
The punishment that was voided was a slap on the wrist, considering the gravity of the injustice done to Senator Stevens and to the integrity of the American political and judicial systems, but thanks to bungling or worse, even that wrist slap is now voided.
An administrative law judge found department officials violated internal policies during the disciplinary process and reversed the suspensions. The Justice Department appealed. The Merit Systems Protection Board, which reviews discipline involving federal employees, on Jan. 2 upheld the judge’s decision.
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