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Saturday / February 22.
HomeFeaturedWrong Idea to Constitutionalize the Dividend

Wrong Idea to Constitutionalize the Dividend

Tim Bradner – Sen. Bill Wielechowski has introduced a proposed constitutional amendment, SJR-1, that would constitutionalize the Permanent Fund dividend. This would essentially take Fund income off the table for spending on the basic purposes of government, such as schools, health and social needs, public safety, and transportation that might be needed under emergency fiscal conditions.

We’re not picking on Sen. Wielechowski, but he volunteered to be part of this discussion!

Wrong Idea to Constitutionalize the Dividend

The primary purpose of government, Sen. Wielechowski, is to provide public services, not to pay the public a cash dividend. The latter may be feel good politics, but it lacks a place in the fundamental role of government.

None of us know how this fiscal crisis we’re mired in is going to work out. The odds are we’re not going to get through it without some significant budget reductions, harsh enough that they will also put revenue necessities on the table.

These “revenue necessities” are polite words for “taxes,” money we will have to pay-citizen taxes they’re called. In the agenda of revenue, use of Permanent Fund income, is also a revenue, citizens surrendering a portion of their dividend for public services.

Read It All at alaskanomics.com

image credit arcticgaspipeline.com


Wrong Idea to Constitutionalize the Dividend


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