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HomeFeaturedThe Vitriol of the Left – Why Pastor Prevo’s Opinion Matters

The Vitriol of the Left – Why Pastor Prevo’s Opinion Matters

Frank Dahl ~ An election must be close at hand, otherwise the toxic news stories and blog posts appearing in Anchorage wouldn’t now be bubbling up, dense with aspersions against a conservative candidate seeking higher office.

Over the last few days I’ve followed with great disappointment the spectacle of left-leaning blog sites, radio shows and online social media venues disparaging Dr. Jerry Prevo of the Anchorage Baptist Temple, along with mayoral candidate and Anchorage Assemblymember Amy Demboski.

The Vitriol of the Left - Why Pastor Prevo's Opinion Matters

The root of the diatribes has been less about a father marrying a son, which purportedly was referenced in a discussion on a local radio station that included Demboski challenger Ethan Berkowitz, and more about the right of an American to disagree with another’s opinion.

I’ve lived in Anchorage for many years, and I’ve paid taxes, owned many businesses, and have been as active as possible in charity and civic advocacy. I vote. I attend church. When I’m not traveling or out of state where I have property, I prefer to attend the Anchorage Baptist Temple because I value Dr. Prevo’s sermons and philosophy.

I don’t agree with Dr. Prevo, nor any person, 100% of the time, and that’s what makes civilization and society precious. Free will, the right to an opinion, philosophy, and varying principles that forge our path is what America is founded upon.

When it comes to the issue of gay and lesbian recognition, and acceptance of same-gendered people marrying, I wholeheartedly agree with the Baptist faith and its followers’ disconnect to such a viewpoint. I do not accept as normal or proper the marriage of two men or two women. I do not accept as proper the right of a transvestite to have equal protections under the U.S. Constitution comparable to gender, racial and disability foundations. I am not a fan of the recent coverage, nor intrigued by headlines, of Bruce Jenner wearing women’s clothing, changing his name to that of a female, and continuing to date women despite his wife and 10 children.

I believe, based on my personal interpretation of the Bible, that only a man and women of the legal age should marry.

Dr. Prevo, and now Ms. Demboski, are feeling the onslaught of personal attacks. The sharks are circling, and these are the same zealots who abhor ridicule of Muslims at any level, and who disdain any opposition to the Obama Administration and Clinton policies. Pastor Prevo and Christians are free game for attack though. The Bush and Reagan Administrations are open season. And don’t forget Governor Parnell and Mayor Sullivan – the sky is the limit for abusive, defamatory retaliation against them.

It just seems hypocritical to me.

I’m a conservative and proud of it. I acknowledge someone may be gay, whether by choice or genetics or forged through an experience in life. Recall that being “gay” is not proven as genetic-based and such a lifestyle remains a scientific research goal, causes unproven. The key is that my acknowledgment of someone choosing this proclivity is not acceptance of the decision. It is not approval. It is not acquiescence to the lifestyle. I think it’s abnormal, candidly, and it erodes societal norms that have been accepted and enshrined (marriage between a man and woman) in our culture for millennia.

Some liberal-interpretive churches and faiths such as Episcopalians and Presbyterians support gay marriage. Jews, Muslims, most Christians and Mormons do not. The latter collective comprises nearly the entire world’s faiths. Dr. Prevo is by far and away in the majority with his preferred definition of marriage. He also has the right to say he doesn’t support gay marriage and will personally support candidates, such as Amy Demboski for mayor of Anchorage, who agree such a belief doesn’t comport with their interpretation of the Bible’s teachings.

Our U.S. Supreme Court is debating the gay marriage issue this very week. The justices appear divided. It’s a very relevant and a current topic, and one a mayor of Anchorage is tethered to as the chief executive of the municipality. The definition of gay marriage and who should decide who can marry, whether the Court or states, are answers Americans seek, and policymakers require to make community and financial decisions.

In the meantime, Amy Demboski is my choice for mayor because, beyond her economic development vision for Anchorage and no-nonsense approach to leadership, she embraces the same ideals Dr. Prevo and my family and I hold dear, such as being pro-life, anti-gun control, pro-responsible resource development and pro man-woman marriage. She has a plan for Anchorage’s growth that doesn’t include more taxes and bureaucracy.

I’m proud to call Dr. Jerry Prevo my friend and pastor. Whether I agree with him or not, he has earned and deserves respect. The same goes for Assemblymember Demboski, whom I’ve never met but follow on the Assembly and in our community.

I fear the momentum towards underhanded, personal attacks is building. I am saddened that more Alaskans don’t demand a cease-and-desist of such mischaracterizations and impugnment. I pray that people, whether they agree or not with gay marriage and the myriad list of policies and issues debating across the country, will reignite civility and courtesy as side boards to any debate or communication.

If you’re undecided on who to choose in the mayoral run-off election for Anchorage, please compare and contrast both candidates based on your values. Do you think two men should be husband and husband and legally and officially married? Mayoral candidate Ethan Berkowitz does. Amy Demboski respectfully thinks marriage is only between a man and women. So do I. So does Dr. Prevo. So do million and millions of Americans.

Thanks to Dr. Jerry Prevo for all he has done for so many in our community and state. God bless Amy Demboski and Ethan Berkowitz, whomever should ultimately win the mayoral race, and I hope the Good Lord will steer them in being thoughtful, diligent and ethical in how they conclude their campaigns and serve as our next mayor.

Frank Dahl has lived in Alaska over 40 years. He has owned numerous businesses, mostly recently selling Blues Central at the Chef’s Inn in Anchorage. He is a Rotarian, state legislative citation recipient for community service, and served on many non-profit boards and commissions. Along with his wife, kids and grandkids, he is a proud Christian, American and recently awarded the rank of “Honorary Air Force Commander” in Arizona.

The Vitriol of the Left - Why Pastor Prevo's Opinion Matters


Latest comments

  • GREAT article and I agree 100% Frank. My wife and I sure miss dancing at the Chef’s Inn. God Bless!

  • GREAT article and I agree 100% Frank. My wife and I sure miss dancing at the Chef’s Inn. God Bless!

  • I don’t exactly “love” Prevo and his minions, but I agree that he has the right to an opinion and I personally don’t want to see two guys or gals marry either. Call it something else. How do I tell me kids that two guys are husband and husband. Yes – Jenner creep me out. Nice article Mr. Dahl.

  • I don’t exactly “love” Prevo and his minions, but I agree that he has the right to an opinion and I personally don’t want to see two guys or gals marry either. Call it something else. How do I tell me kids that two guys are husband and husband. Yes – Jenner creep me out. Nice article Mr. Dahl.

  • Just saw this on a Facebook post. I think gays should be able to marry. Sorry – but it’s discrimination to prohibit and I have a relative gay. That written, I actually support Amy. We need a female mayor and she knew city government better than Mr. Berkowizk on the debate I watched last night. It was boring to, by the way lol – but she did better.

  • Just saw this on a Facebook post. I think gays should be able to marry. Sorry – but it’s discrimination to prohibit and I have a relative gay. That written, I actually support Amy. We need a female mayor and she knew city government better than Mr. Berkowizk on the debate I watched last night. It was boring to, by the way lol – but she did better.

  • The issue is not about whether one candidate or the other supports gay marriage, no matter how hard you try to change the subject. The issue is, both Jerry and Amy have made a remarkably vitriolic statement about Ethan without any proof. There’s your underhanded personal attack.

  • The issue is not about whether one candidate or the other supports gay marriage, no matter how hard you try to change the subject. The issue is, both Jerry and Amy have made a remarkably vitriolic statement about Ethan without any proof. There’s your underhanded personal attack.

  • What James said. Somehow you skipped right over what started all this – two people making the claim that Ethan somehow favors a father marrying a son.
    What you’re seeing is backlash to an attack. Not the actual attack.
    How did you miss that?

    • James u are wrong also , this all started when Amy went on talk show & was asked by Casey Reynolds if she though if Ethan stated & believed it was ok for a father to marry his son , stated on a talk show that Ethan himself was the co-host , Amy’s answer was I don’t know I would like to hear the tape to hear what he said, to which Casey made a big deal of it —-If Casey wanted know if Ethan said it why did he not ask Ethan , not Amy case closed.

  • What James said. Somehow you skipped right over what started all this – two people making the claim that Ethan somehow favors a father marrying a son.
    What you’re seeing is backlash to an attack. Not the actual attack.
    How did you miss that?

    • James u are wrong also , this all started when Amy went on talk show & was asked by Casey Reynolds if she though if Ethan stated & believed it was ok for a father to marry his son , stated on a talk show that Ethan himself was the co-host , Amy’s answer was I don’t know I would like to hear the tape to hear what he said, to which Casey made a big deal of it —-If Casey wanted know if Ethan said it why did he not ask Ethan , not Amy case closed.

  • What a crock James. That blog Alaska Commons and the Shannon Moore website Mud Flats are so negative. The Republicans can be too far out there, I agree! But please spare me that the left is innocent. I’ll take a Boener (Speaker I think?) over Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi. Yeah, that’s not a mayor related comparison but just sayin’ you’re comparison is not apples to apples.

  • What a crock James. That blog Alaska Commons and the Shannon Moore website Mud Flats are so negative. The Republicans can be too far out there, I agree! But please spare me that the left is innocent. I’ll take a Boener (Speaker I think?) over Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi. Yeah, that’s not a mayor related comparison but just sayin’ you’re comparison is not apples to apples.

  • Sorry I meant Andrew

  • Sorry I meant Andrew

  • I was about to ask what I said? lol

  • I was about to ask what I said? lol

  • Why is my little character different from my earlier post? This site is weird with its avatar creatures.

  • Why is my little character different from my earlier post? This site is weird with its avatar creatures.

  • i didn’t say a word about republicans, democrats, left or right. I’m saying that Jerry and Amy are not behaving thoughtfully, diligently or by any means ethically. They want to be community leaders, they should learn to act like adults.

    • James

  • i didn’t say a word about republicans, democrats, left or right. I’m saying that Jerry and Amy are not behaving thoughtfully, diligently or by any means ethically. They want to be community leaders, they should learn to act like adults.

    • James

  • Amy Demboski is an adulteres. She married and divorced and remarried. She had a child out of wedlock. Jesus said remarriage is adultery, against one of the commandments. How can Pastor Prevo approve of an adulteres as mayor. We don’t need an adulteres mayor

    • Jesus also told the woman caught in adultery that He forgave her and to go and sin no more. If Amy is still living this type of a lifestyle today, then your words might have validity. If not then they are pointless.

  • Amy Demboski is an adulteres. She married and divorced and remarried. She had a child out of wedlock. Jesus said remarriage is adultery, against one of the commandments. How can Pastor Prevo approve of an adulteres as mayor. We don’t need an adulteres mayor

    • Jesus also told the woman caught in adultery that He forgave her and to go and sin no more. If Amy is still living this type of a lifestyle today, then your words might have validity. If not then they are pointless.

  • I guess anyone can write an opinion article on this site. Couple things, the author obviously agrees with the reverend and Amy. The reverend needs to pay taxes if he wants to be in politics,(all churches should be taxed). The attacks you are referring to are from the right to the left. This rambling love letter was a fun read not much substance but still a fun read.

  • I guess anyone can write an opinion article on this site. Couple things, the author obviously agrees with the reverend and Amy. The reverend needs to pay taxes if he wants to be in politics,(all churches should be taxed). The attacks you are referring to are from the right to the left. This rambling love letter was a fun read not much substance but still a fun read.

  • Excuse me? Amy Dembowski and Dr. Prevo must be reworking the 10 commandments into the 10 suggestions? Per the information below, I understand Amy not only cheated on her first husband when he was deployed in the military on the other side of the Atlantic. She got pregnant with another guy WHILE her husband was deployed. And then she lied to the military to say that the kid was her husband’s when it could not have been. The website has xeroxes as proof. So did adultery and lying suddenly become optional for “conservative Christians”? How can you and Dr. Prevo recommend someone with Dembowski’s total lack of ethics? There is a book out called “Heaven is Real”; if that is the case, you might wish to rethink your position.


    • Yes, it is true that as a 19 year old girl, she messed up big time. The question is, as a 39 year old, is she still living the same way? If she is then you have a point. If she is not living that way now, then you words are pointless. All of us mess up, and if something we did as a teen disqualifies us from doing good in adulthood, then there is no hope for any of us.

      • Agreed Donna! Well said. All of us make mistakes. Amy’s opinion on same-sex marriage is relevant to the dialogue especially if she becomes a mayor. Her child custody records are not relevant.

  • Excuse me? Amy Dembowski and Dr. Prevo must be reworking the 10 commandments into the 10 suggestions? Per the information below, I understand Amy not only cheated on her first husband when he was deployed in the military on the other side of the Atlantic. She got pregnant with another guy WHILE her husband was deployed. And then she lied to the military to say that the kid was her husband’s when it could not have been. The website has xeroxes as proof. So did adultery and lying suddenly become optional for “conservative Christians”? How can you and Dr. Prevo recommend someone with Dembowski’s total lack of ethics? There is a book out called “Heaven is Real”; if that is the case, you might wish to rethink your position.


    • Yes, it is true that as a 19 year old girl, she messed up big time. The question is, as a 39 year old, is she still living the same way? If she is then you have a point. If she is not living that way now, then you words are pointless. All of us mess up, and if something we did as a teen disqualifies us from doing good in adulthood, then there is no hope for any of us.

      • Agreed Donna! Well said. All of us make mistakes. Amy’s opinion on same-sex marriage is relevant to the dialogue especially if she becomes a mayor. Her child custody records are not relevant.

  • I’m told Bernadette will publicly discuss the Ethan comment. Personally, I think this is so off topic, and yet it’s indicative of how nasty politics gets. I see Frank Dahl’s point and personally agree it’s getting out of hand on other blog sites (i.e. Amy’s court records from 20 years ago…). Jesus.

  • I’m told Bernadette will publicly discuss the Ethan comment. Personally, I think this is so off topic, and yet it’s indicative of how nasty politics gets. I see Frank Dahl’s point and personally agree it’s getting out of hand on other blog sites (i.e. Amy’s court records from 20 years ago…). Jesus.

  • http://www.anchoragedailyplanet.com/60911/editorial-berkowitz-backed-father-son-marriage/

  • http://www.anchoragedailyplanet.com/60911/editorial-berkowitz-backed-father-son-marriage/