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Monday / March 31.
HomeAlaska PoliticsMurkowski’s War Chest Ready

Murkowski’s War Chest Ready

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) appears positioned to avoid a replay of her painful 2010 reelection fight, as she looks to leverage a pair of key gavels and early fundraising success in a bid to keep her job as Alaska’s senior senator in 2016.

Murkowski and her campaign staff would like to think they learned some valuable lessons when she lost the primary to Tea Party favorite Joe Miller, only to mount an improbable write-in campaign in an effort to hold onto the seat.

Murkowski's War Chest Ready

From an early focus on growing her war chest to her chairmanship of two panels with authority over Alaska priorities such as oil, natural gas and federally owned land that covers nearly 70 percent of her state, Murkowski is going all-out to fend off election challenges from both sides of the political spectrum.

An early sign of the moderate Republican’s efforts came this month when the campaign announced she had raised $1.1 million in the second quarter and has $2.3 million on hand. The finances are the best on record for any Alaska race.

See Full Story at The Hill


Murkowski's War Chest Ready


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