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Monday / March 31.
HomeAlaska BusinessGood Faith Collaboration Needed for LNG Venture

Good Faith Collaboration Needed for LNG Venture

Lawmakers would be wise to make hay while the sun shines; while the country remains on the sidelines debating liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports – the shippable form of natural gas – global demand is quickly being met elsewhere.A recent study by the Brookings Institution, a Washington-based think tank, concluded that as foreign suppliers begin to flood global markets, projects planned for in the States face tougher odds of reaching fruition – including the proposed AlaskaLNG project, which would be the largest capital investment in the history of Alaska.

Valued between $45 billion and $65 billion, the AlaskaLNG proposal has the potential to create as many as 15,000 jobs during the design and construction phases and another 1,000 permanent positions for long-term operations.

Good Faith Collaboration Needed for LNG Venture

That may very well prove to be the elixir the state economy needs.

A comeback will take a concerted effort among state policymakers and industry partners to ensure that any LNG venture Alaska undertakes is done right.

Political uncertainty, fiscal solvency, and a lack of financial commitments all have the potential to derail projects like AlaskaLNG. History has demonstrated time and again that the only way mega-infrastructure projects are successful is if all parties are collaborating in good faith and taking the time necessary to make thoughtful decisions that aren’t beholden to artificial deadlines and schedules.

See Full Story at Forbes


Good Faith Collaboration Needed for LNG Venture


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