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HomeAlaska IssuesSullivan Wants to Rehabilitate Trump on Western Lands Issue

Sullivan Wants to Rehabilitate Trump on Western Lands Issue

Donald Trump’s response to an interview question about transferring federal lands back to the states fell with a thud on Senator Dan Sullivan’s office floor. Trump didn’t think federal lands should be transferred back to the states. Senator Sullivan wants to invite the presidential candidate to visit Alaska to rehabilitate his viewpoint.

In another op-ed article, however, Donald Trump expressed dismay at the draconian management of federal lands by the federal agencies. So, there seems to be some play in his mind, allowing him to reach a new conclusion. This is where Senator Sullivan has hope. Otherwise, it would seem that Trump agrees more with the Sierra Club than with his conservative base, at least on this issue.

Sullivan Wants to Rehabilitate Trump on Western Lands Issue

Read the full story found in AlaskaPublic.org, excerpted here:

Alaska issues don’t come up much in presidential debates, but Donald Trump did face a public lands question, and his answer struck a nerve among Western conservatives.

A reporter for the magazine Field & Stream did an interview with Trump in late January in Las Vegas.

“Seventy percent of hunters in the West hunt on public lands managed by the federal government. Right now there’s a lot discussion about the federal government transferring those lands to states, divesting them of that land. Is that something that you would support as president?” the reported asked.

“I don’t like the idea because I want to keep the lands great,” Trump said.  “And you don’t know what the states are going to do with them. Are they going to sell as soon as they get in a little bit of a trouble? I don’t think it’s something that should be sold.”

Wrong answer, at least according to U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan

“Mr. Trump looks obviously uninformed,” the Alaska senator said.

Moving more land out federal control is one of Sullivan’s top goals. Collectively, Alaska’s all-Republican delegation has sponsored dozens of bills over the years to do that. Many transfer small parcels, like surplus property from an old Coast Guard Loran station in Tok. Or larger chunks, including some 2,000 acres at Point Spencer, near Nome, to the Bering Straits Native Corp and the state, for possible development as a port. And then there’s the decades-long effort to re-open the Native allotment process for veterans who missed out during the Vietnam War.

Alaska’s sole House member, Don Young, has a bill that would require the Forest Service to convey up to 2 million acres to each state. Young, at a hearing on the bill, said the states can do a better job. “The worst managed lands, by our government, is the Forest Service lands,” he said.

Trump may not be all that committed to his position, either. He submitted an op-ed to Nevada newspapers complaining about the BLM’s “draconian” control over lands there, and its reluctance to sell at an affordable price.

Sen. Sullivan says he thinks Trump can be rehabilitated with more information.

“Yeah, because it looked like he was kind of struggling. And the answer seemed kind of all over the place,” Sullivan said.

Sullivan offered to show Trump around Alaska, which he thinks will convince him federal land ownership isn’t all that great.

See Full Story Alaska Public Media


Sullivan Wants to Rehabilitate Trump on Western Lands Issue


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