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HomeVideoDunleavy Press Briefing – a response to increasing coronavirus cases across Alaska

Dunleavy Press Briefing – a response to increasing coronavirus cases across Alaska

Governor Michael J. Dunleavy – Press Briefing on COVID-19

June 10, 2020

Notice To Travelers Arriving in AlaskaBeginning Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 12:01am travelers arriving into Alaska from another state or country must follow new protocols. Read the new rules at the Traveler Information Page.  

Dunleavy Press Briefing - a response to increasing coronavirus cases across Alaska

Health Mandate 10.1 – International and Interstate Travel – Order for Self-Quarantine

Travel Declaration Form for All Incoming Passengers: All people arriving in Alaska from international locations or travel from other states, whether resident, worker or visitor, are required to selfquarantine for 14 days and monitor for illness. Arriving residents and workers in self-quarantine, should work from home, unless you support critical infrastructure. For more details please see Health Mandate 10.1 and a list of critical infrastructure. Travelers arriving in Alaska may submit the form online or download, print, scan, sign, and email to akcovidtravel@ak-prepared.com. Printed forms will also be available in airports receiving flights international and out-of-state flights.

Alaska Critical Infrastructure COVID-19 Community/Workforce Protective Plans

Resources from the Office of Governor Mike Dunleavy, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, and Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
The Governor’s Health Mandate 10 directs: “All people arriving in Alaska, whether resident, worker or visitor, are required to self-quarantine for 14 days and monitor for illness. Arriving residents and workers in self-quarantine, should work from home, unless you support critical infrastructure.” The Governor’s Health Mandate 12 directs: “All in-state travel between communities, whether resident, worker, or visitor, is prohibited unless travel is to support critical infrastructure, or for critical personal needs.” If your business meets the criteria identified in Alaska Essential Services and Critical Workforce Infrastructure Order, and your workers must either travel between Alaskan communities or travel to enter Alaska and begin work on critical infrastructure before their self-quarantine period is complete, you must submit a plan or protocol for maintaining critical infrastructure to the Unified Command as soon as possible. The plan must outline protective measures your business will enact in order to avoid the spread of COVID-19 and not endanger lives in the communities in which you operate, of others who serve as a part of that infrastructure or the ability of that critical infrastructure to function. If workers are able complete a full 14-day self-quarantine before starting work, that is the preferred method. If not, they must adhere to the protective measures your business is enacting during work times. They must still follow guidelines for self-quarantine during non-work periods. Please submit protective plans by email to akcovidplans@ak-prepared.com, and use the name of your business at the start of the email Subject line, and the start of the filename for any attached files. CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON DEVELOPING PLANS If your company requests that the State of Alaska withhold any information contained in your Community/Workforce Protective Plan from public release because the information is protected under AS 40.25.120(a), you must submit the following information via email to criticalinfrastructurebranch@alaska.gov:

  1. identify each set of discrete information that the company asserts is protected;
  2. identify each specific legal authority that the company asserts applies to each such set of information; and
  3. for each such set of information, explain why the company asserts the information is protected based on each legal authority the company asserts applies to that information.

Please note your request that State of Alaska not disclose information your company asserts is protected is itself subject to disclosure under the Alaska Public Records Act. Accordingly, your company needs to do the same three things identified above for any information in your request that your company asserts is protected.



How many confirmed cases of COVID-19 are there in Alaska?

Dunleavy Press Briefing - a response to increasing coronavirus cases across Alaska

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