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Wednesday / January 22.
HomeAlaska IssuesThe District L Race for Alaska Senate

The District L Race for Alaska Senate

The District L Race for Alaska Senate

After a few head fakes, we have three candidates for the Alaska Senate Seat L currently held by Natasha von Imhof.  In the primary, we were treated to a two-way Republican race between Stephen Duplantis and von Imhof.  We also had blogger Jeff Landfield gathering signatures to run as an independent.  And we had Roselynn Cacy running as a democrat.

The primary in District L was surprising, as Duplantis came close to upsetting von Imhof.  It appears that his success was due to some combination of District L Republicans displeasure with the way the Republican Senate majority operated, its interest in cutting PFD while not cutting state spending, and von Imhof’s personal loyalty to incumbent District 24 House member Chuck Kopp.  Kopp was despised and defeated by almost a 2:1 vote of the people who put him into office.  Election results can be found here.

The District L Race for Alaska Senate

Following the primary at the Great Sort when democrats drop out of races and replace candidates who claimed they really, really wanted to get elected to the seat with those who they think can beat Republicans easier, Landfield dropped out.  Unfortunately, Duplantis decided to mount a write-in campaign, indicating he does not fully understand how this game is played. 

So, we are left with three candidates, a democrat, a Republican who does not understand what losing a primary election means, and the incumbent, Natasha von Imhof.  Both Duplantis and Cacy have promised to fund the PFD at its statutory level.  Cacy promises a balance budget.  Neither has a said a word about how to downsize the size of state government to balance the budget.  Perhaps pixie dust and unicorn flatulence will work this time around.  My guess is not.

But there are other issues out there, issues that von Imhof has been addressing.  For instance, she knows as much as anyone in the state about the budget and how to cut it.  As a former member of the Anchorage School Board, she understands public education.  As a mother of two, she understands the utter disaster that closing Anchorage Schools has been for working mothers.  She has been a strong advocate and supporter of resource development, something we have not seen out of any elected democrat since Tony Knowles.  Finally, she understands like all of us lived with the wanton economic disaster visited on both the State of Alaska and the Municipality of Anchorage by the COVID lockdowns.  The only way to grow this economy is to get Alaskans back to work, something neither other candidate even acknowledges exists.  We are still a resource development state.  Time to develop some. 

This upcoming legislative session is going to be a real difficult one as we slog our way through the economic damage wrought by the lockdowns.  The only, only way to get from where we are today to a future with jobs and economic development is to downsize state spending and move control of that spending as close to the people of Alaska as humanly possible.  Democrats like Cacy do not believe that worldview even exists.  Republicans who can’t figure out they lost a primary can hardly be trusted on the hard stuff either. 

I see the Senate District L race as a pretty easy choice, Natasha von Imhof. 

Alex Gimarc lives in Anchorage since retiring from the military in 1997. His interests include science and technology, environment, energy, economics, military affairs, fishing and disabilities policies. His weekly column “Interesting Items” is a summary of news stories with substantive Alaska-themed topics. He was a small business owner and Information Technology professional.

The District L Race for Alaska Senate

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  • Alex, I find your narrative filled with holes. First, Natasha sat on the local School Biard and was a big ZERO. In senate Finance she killed the Alaska Reads Act simply because it has a benchmark. Regarding constraint with the budget Natasga is less than stellar as she advocates massive spebding to be channeled to her non profits. The Rasmussen Foundation which she sits on the board as treasurer, recently endorsed Black Lives Matter. Does Natasha think we should defund the police as well. Her foundation also supports Mayor Berkowitz and his plan to use covid money to purchase homeless shelter properties. All these issues are far from “conservative” in nature. In fact there are two democrats and a Republican in the race. You may choose to wag your finger at a write in xampaign but be aware you are wagging your finger at our founding fatherrs both in the natuon and the state as they wrote abd we ratified the right to mount a write in campaign. Where was your wisdim when Lisa Murkowski mounted her write in?