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We Need a Leader with Vision

We Need a Leader with Vision

By Janice Brewer

March 31, 2021

There are many issues plaguing Anchorage that are presently dominating our time and energy.  From the economy, to crime, to homelessness, to education, to burdensome government regulations…we certainly have plenty of challenges to solve.  With the right leadership in the right places, we will fix these problems, just like Americans always have in previous eras throughout our nation and throughout the world.  If we are not careful, however, we can let the tyranny of the urgent keep us from where we really need to go in the future.  Don’t get me wrong, these are huge challenges for us, but there are other big issues that we need to consider: Where do we want to be as a city in 25 to 50 years?

As a long time Anchorage resident, these issues are extremely important to me.  Four generations of my family reside in Anchorage and have been Alaskan residents since 1954.  All have owned their own businesses in Anchorage and been actively involved in local community activities for many years.  As such, the following matters are vitally important to me.

We Need a Leader with Vision

If we fail to look ahead, we are destined to fall behind.  We humans have the tendency to allow the problems of the day to so dominate and cloud our lives that we lose sight of the ultimate goal.  That is why we need leaders with vision, leaders who can see and help us solve immediate problems while keeping their eyes on the horizon for where we need to go, and leaders who can navigate the pressures and complexities of today and still steer us into the future.  Mike Robbins is that leader.  He has a vision for where Anchorage must go.

Mike has plans for addressing and solving all the problems mentioned above and he also has plans for us to boldly move into a better future for Anchorage.  That is why he will begin working on the Knik Arm Bridge as soon as he’s elected mayor because it will provide jobs and open numerous residential, commercial, and industrial opportunities.  That is why he will go to work on the North-South Bypass which will greatly improve infrastructure and traffic congestion on the arterial roads that connect the Seward Highway and Glenn Highway.  That is why he will get the port project back on track. The Port of Alaska is the only intermodal deep-water port in Alaska.  It is time to resolve past failures and move forward to meet the facilities’ potential.  Along with the port, build a first-class waterfront with shops and restaurants for residents and tourists to enjoy which will revitalize our downtown.

The question for us living in Anchorage is not just “Where are we today?” but, more importantly “Where are we headed tomorrow?”  For us to head in the right direction, we need a leader with vision and the only candidate in this mayoral race who has talked about these visions for the future of Anchorage is Mike Robbins.  It is for this and many other reasons that he has my vote!

Mike Robbins is the only viable choice for Mayor of Anchorage
Janice Brewer a long-time resident and businesswoman of Anchorage, whose family has been Alaskan residents since 1954.

Anchorage, Alaska

We Need a Leader with Vision

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